Nepal Idol 2017 is the first season of Idol Franchise in Nepal which is aired by AP1 TV. In the first season, audition was held at seven cities; Nepalgunj, Butwal, Narayangar, Birgunj, Biratnagar, Pokhara and Kathmandu. Contestants aged 16 to 30 years of age are allowed to attend.
In Nepal Idol season one of the judges are Nhyoo Bajracharya, Indira Joshi and Kali Prasad Baskota. Bajracharya is a music composer and singer. He has composed dozens of popular songs in Nepali, Nepal Bhasa and Hindi. He is also remembered for the compositions for Ani Choying Drolma with his fusion style music. Joshi is a singer, model and actor.
She released the song Rato Ghanghara from her album Dance with Me. She also sang the item song Udhreko choli from the movie Loot (2012 film). She had participated and came in the first season of Nepali singing reality show Nepali Tara. Baskota is a singer, musician, writer and lyricist. His initial works were hit songs like Chahana Sakiyo and Laija Re.
Kali had done his singing debut from the song "Jaalma" from the movie "Resham filili" which was one of the biggest hits of that time.
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